
Lightweight and easy to use

The RF1000 is a manual pipette controller that is uniquely designed for one-handed operation. Simply squeeze the main bulb and push the toggle forward to aspirate or back to dispense. Push the blowout bulb to expel any liquid remaining in the pipette.

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  • Tapered silicone rubber pipette adapter allows a large range of pipette sizes ranging 1-100 ml. Replaceable when worn.
  • Includes a replaceable .45 micrometers hydrophobic filter to protect your samples and internal components
  • Autoclavable nose cone assembly

Additional information

Product Code

LHS10000RFU (RF1000), LHS5000RFFIL (Replacement Filters), LHS5000RFRP (Replacement Pipette Adapter), LHS5000RFRR (Replacement Nose Cone)


RF1000, Replacement Filters, Replacement Pipette Adapter, Replacement Nose Cone


Package: 1, Package: 5, Case: 10 pk


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